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Liberdade de Imprensa

The Monument to Freedom of the Press is a gesture made of glass.

Clean, solid, but delicate as freedom itself.

It represents a permanent struggle and reflects the culture of our people based on common sense.

This is where this translucent, dynamic form comes from, cutting through space in two moments:

The one of delving into the fact, the truth and the other liberated who launches himself and speaks out loud to the world.


Thus, a place in the federal capital appears.

Destined to host the International Press Center

But above all, the abode of the journalists; symbol is inaugurated.


Gustavo Penna, Alexandre Bragança, Augustin de Tugny, Fernando Arruda Guillen, Norberto Bambozzi



Brasilia - DF - Brazil


Technical Data
Year of the project: 1996

Built area: 7,000m²


Jomar Bragança


Digital House

Av. Álvares Cabral, 414 - Centro - Belo Horizonte - 30170-001 - MG - Brazil - Tel: 55 31 3218 2400
Rua Major Sertório 92, 7th floor - Vila Buarque - São Paulo - 01.222-000 - SP - Tel: 55 11 3129 9025

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