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Sede dos Metalurgicos

Valuing work: this is the main banner of the union. This must always be said, whether in actions, words or gestures.

The union building is a grand gesture that symbolizes this idea-strength.

He wants to be on the city scene because he is proud of his mission.

He wants to be open to all eyes, transparent and receptive, because he has nothing to hide. In its inner square fit its struggles and demands.

Hence the idea of creating the environment of collective doing, all interconnected, supportive, committed, simultaneous. The structure is clean, simple and airy.

On the west façade, the longest, the curves of the movement resemble aligned flags.

The auditorium integrates with the foyer and gallery and generates a continuous space for large meetings and assemblies.

The routes are clear and direct. With no hiding places or labyrinths, they inspire confidence.

The building do Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos, with its strong and serene image, wants to represent the power of cohesion of workers and the importance of fighting for their rights.


Gustavo Penna, Ricardo Gomes Lopes, Norberto Bambozzi, Laura Penna, Priscila Dias de Araújo, Letícia de Paula Carneiro, Vivian Hunnicutt, Alyne Ferreira, Natália Ponciano, Catarina Hermanny

Management and Planning

Risia Botrel and Isabela Tolentino 


Betim – Minas Gerais – Brazil


Technical Data
Project year: 2010
Built area: 6,855m²


Digital House

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